Our Organization

Welcome to Explore Southwest Minnesota, a regional non-profit tourism effort of the nine counties of Cottonwood, Jackson, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood, Rock, and their communities. Explore Southwest Minnesota showcases Southwest Minnesota's unique features, communities, and the people that make the region a great place to visit and explore.
Explore Southwest Minnesota is a collaboration of the counties, local chambers and visitors bureaus, voluntary community members, and regional partners. The organizations joined together to combine efforts and build a stronger tourism voice.
We know that by increasing awareness of our region, we all benefit. We rely on the collaboration and collective action of our members, area businesses, tourism centers, and regional organizations in order to promote Southwest Minnesota as a tourism destination.
Who We Are
Explore Southwest Minnesota Tourism Association membership is comprised of counties, chambers and visitor bureaus, regional partners, and voluntary community members. Our members work together to:
Create and produce regional marketing materials to promote tourism in our nine counties.
Pool our resources and networks to increase the region's awareness and tourism opportunities.
Use our resources to connect visitors to the the places and communities that make our region a great place to explore and stay.
Explore Southwest Minnesota Tourism Association Members & Partners
Regional Partners
Cottonwood County
Lincoln County
Lyon County
Murray County
Nobles County
Pipestone County
Redwood County
Rock County
Southwest Regional Development Commission
Jane Lanphere, Chair
Luverne Chamber & CVB
Nichole Johnson, Contact
Explore SW MN Staff
Rick Anderson, Treasurer
Lyon County Commissioner
Emily Cenzano
Windom Chamber & CVB
Connie VanderPoel
Lake Benton Chamber & CVB
Amber Scholten
Lincoln County EMS
Adri DeBoer
Visit Marshall
Robin Weis
Southwest Regional Development Commission
Kaila Hurlburt
Forward Worthington
Dan Wildermuth
Pipestone County Commissioner
Tom Steffes
Pipestone Chamber & CVB
Rick Wakefield
Redwood County Commissioner
Amber Lais
Luverne Chamber & CVB
Donna Gravley
Cottonwood County Commissioner
Corey Sik
Lincoln County Commissioner
Cassi Weiss
Visit Marshall
Justine Wettschreck
Murray County EDA
Kris Hohensee
MN River Area Agency on Aging
Chris Hollingsworth
Pipestone County Commissioner
Erica Volkir
Pipestone Chamber & CVB
Dave Forkrud
Redwood County Commissioner
Anne Johnson
Redwood Area Chamber & Tourism

Join Us
Interested in partnering with us on regional tourism efforts? We're always looking for partners to assist with promoting and marketing the nine counties of Southwest Minnesota as a great tourist destination and as a great place to explore and stay.
Work with us on marketing development, regional tourism promotion, event promotion, community collaboration, and more.